I've been not lazying but busy doing nothing that I have no time doing my Visual Diary for my Photomedia Imaging subject.
So for the first second week of the semester we ALREADY have project to do. Not like I am complaining just whining. I mean to be a good photographer ideally is to do 200 shots per week. That's what I usually do for hobby anyway, so no problem-o.
Our Genre Project #1 is A 'Sense of Place' where we need to consider the kind of space/place/location/site that we could photograph to explore whatever theme that we choose.
So me, as a casual photographer, likes to capture random shots. But in this project I choose to take shots of Church. Why? Because there is a church down the road from where I live so I don't have to go too far. Nah, actually because I like the architecture of the church, I mean most church have unique architecture, and also the symbol of spirituality really catch my attention. In addition to that, I am more of night photographer and at night, the church looks stunningly creepy-ly awesome due to some street light and moonlight.
I took some picture of the church and had few picture that I really like but because I shot in RAW not RAW + JPEG I cannot really open it. Meh. But I'll show you. My point is I am not as happy on my shot. Why? Maybe it doesn't look professional enough. Why? Because I am too busy (lazy) to do my research.
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